Weight Of Internet
Have You Ever Thought That What Will Be The Weight Of Internet?
Internet 'weighs the same as a strawberry'
Using some very rough maths, it's been estimated that the internet weighs about the same as a medium-sized egg.
The weight of all the electrons in motion that make up the internet at any one moment is equivalent to 50 grams, according to Vsauce, a YouTube channel.
It seems to be inspired by recent reports noting that each book loaded onto and Amazon Kindle e-reader makes the device very slightly heavier.
Using Einstein's E=mc² formula, which states that energy and mass are directly related, Professor John Kubiatowicz, a computer scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, calculated that filling a 4GB Kindle to its storage limit would increase its weight by a billionth of a billionth of a gram, or 0.000000000000000001g.
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